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- > Exhibition
5 × Berlin
Group exhibition
Group exhibition
Group exhibition at the International Poster and Graphic Arts festival of Chaumont, curated by Fons Hickmann m23. Participants were Fons Hickmann m23, cyan, Atak (Georg Barber), anschlaege.de and myself. The photos are from the opening weekend.
Festival International de l’Affiche et des Arts Graphiques, Chaumont 2006.05.13–2006.06.25
- Archive
- Music: Artists
- agf 4
- Ambarchi/Fennesz/Pimmon/Rehberg/Rowe 2
- Atmo.Brtschitsch 3
- Autopoieses 2
- Andreas Bertilsson 6
- Heimir Björgúlfsson 1
- Frank Bretschneider 1
- Kim Cascone 3
- Charlemagne Palestine 1
- Christophe Charles 3
- Chikinki 1
- Donnacha Costello 2
- Richard Davis 3
- Taylor Deupree 2
- Electric Company 2
- Folie 6
- Freiband 1
- Full Swing 8
- Gold Chains & Sue Cie 1
- Gonzales 1
- Maximilian Hecker 27
- Ryoji Ikeda 1
- kid606 5
- Bernadette La Hengst 9
- Laub 5
- Håkan Lidbo 2
- Litwinenko 1
- Stephan Mathieu 16
- Raz Ohara 5
- Pan Sonic 1
- Piano Magic 1
- Pimmon 2
- Preed 2
- Akira Rabelais 2
- Random Industries 1
- Rechenzentrum 11
- Sophie Rimheden 5
- Rhythm King And Her Friends 3
- Dean Roberts 1
- Sex in Dallas 6
- Johan Skugge 1
- Son of Clay 2
- Static 2
- Mikael Stavöstrand 5
- Stilluppsteypa 2
- Stol 2
- Surrogat 1
- Tarwater 5
- Tin Foil Star 1
- Trikot 4
- Uusitalo 2
- The Vulva String Quartet 2
- White Hole 3
- Achim Wollscheid 3
- Music: Publishers
- Visual Artists
- Sport
- Culture
- Serials
- Other
- Music: Artists
- > Angela Lorenz
- Data Layout Grid Visual score
- Float Moving image
- Tweed Print
- plusminus (Prototype) Pattern generator
- Procedure #09 Silkscreen print, 58×84cm
- Two Abstract Paintings Two exhibitions
- Two Abstract Paintings Reactive screen projection
- Two Abstract Paintings Invitation
- Two Abstract Paintings 20 prints
- Dinamismi Museali, settima edizione Installation/Visuals
- Back Catalogue Exhibition
- Back Catalogue Invitation
- mit.pattern Pattern generator
- Untitled (Mutek 2002) Generative application
- 6.45KB RAM 10 × 264 × 200 pixels
- Flake 16 × gif
- 256 256 icons
- 35mm – Design in miniature Portable group exhibition
- Procedure #09 Executable