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Screen design
Screen design for an interactive installation by Berlin video artists Visomat Inc. at the SAP headquarters in Berlin.
The installation dealt with the building as a machine, collecting data from the building’s own facility management computer as well as all kinds of sensors (weather station, photo cells, surveillance cameras, traffic …) and projecting the current statistics onto a number of screens on the outside, partly in the form of plain text tables (which is what I did the design for) and partly converted to / accompanied by lots of video art (which is the work of Visomat and friends, not me).
The whole thing was interactive – you could call 0800-RAWDATA and choose between various categories of data by pressing digits on your phone.
A project in cooperation with transmediale Festival.
Some photos by Visomat Inc.; some taken by myself on the opening night, February 4th, 2005.
- Archive
- Music: Artists
- agf 4
- Ambarchi/Fennesz/Pimmon/Rehberg/Rowe 2
- Atmo.Brtschitsch 3
- Autopoieses 2
- Andreas Bertilsson 6
- Heimir Björgúlfsson 1
- Frank Bretschneider 1
- Kim Cascone 3
- Charlemagne Palestine 1
- Christophe Charles 3
- Chikinki 1
- Donnacha Costello 2
- Richard Davis 3
- Taylor Deupree 2
- Electric Company 2
- Folie 6
- Freiband 1
- Full Swing 8
- Gold Chains & Sue Cie 1
- Gonzales 1
- Maximilian Hecker 27
- Ryoji Ikeda 1
- kid606 5
- Bernadette La Hengst 9
- Laub 5
- Håkan Lidbo 2
- Litwinenko 1
- Stephan Mathieu 16
- Raz Ohara 5
- Pan Sonic 1
- Piano Magic 1
- Pimmon 2
- Preed 2
- Akira Rabelais 2
- Random Industries 1
- Rechenzentrum 11
- Sophie Rimheden 5
- Rhythm King And Her Friends 3
- Dean Roberts 1
- Sex in Dallas 6
- Johan Skugge 1
- Son of Clay 2
- Static 2
- Mikael Stavöstrand 5
- Stilluppsteypa 2
- Stol 2
- Surrogat 1
- Tarwater 5
- Tin Foil Star 1
- Trikot 4
- Uusitalo 2
- The Vulva String Quartet 2
- White Hole 3
- Achim Wollscheid 3
- Music: Publishers
- Visual Artists
- Sport
- Culture
- Serials
- Other
> Visomat - Music: Artists