- All
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- > Small Sizes
- Sport respects your rights
- Giving youth a real say in sports
- wienereiner/wienerachter 2012
- Barnes Dance
- qi.tv | Edition Senator
- Syntopia
- Two Abstract Paintings
- Electro No Electro vs. Mitek
- Eyepennies
- Mitek: Propaganda
- Back Catalogue
- Kitty-Yo at Bread + Butter
- Heroin re-release
- Mitek: Propaganda
- Mitek: Propaganda
- The John Peel Session
- kurs_musik 05
- kurs_musik 04
- kurs_musik 02
- kurs_musik 03
- Ars Viva 00/01: Art and Science
- Rechenzentrum
- Rechenzentrum
- Popkomm 1998
- aussen
- Alone
- Tzadik festival
Michael Walter: Portraits
Four cards
Four cards
Miniature catalogue in the form of four postcards, held together by an envelope of transparent paper.
Published by the artist, Berlin 2005.
- Archive
- Music: Artists
- agf 4
- Ambarchi/Fennesz/Pimmon/Rehberg/Rowe 2
- Atmo.Brtschitsch 3
- Autopoieses 2
- Andreas Bertilsson 6
- Heimir Björgúlfsson 1
- Frank Bretschneider 1
- Kim Cascone 3
- Charlemagne Palestine 1
- Christophe Charles 3
- Chikinki 1
- Donnacha Costello 2
- Richard Davis 3
- Taylor Deupree 2
- Electric Company 2
- Folie 6
- Freiband 1
- Full Swing 8
- Gold Chains & Sue Cie 1
- Gonzales 1
- Maximilian Hecker 27
- Ryoji Ikeda 1
- kid606 5
- Bernadette La Hengst 9
- Laub 5
- Håkan Lidbo 2
- Litwinenko 1
- Stephan Mathieu 16
- Raz Ohara 5
- Pan Sonic 1
- Piano Magic 1
- Pimmon 2
- Preed 2
- Akira Rabelais 2
- Random Industries 1
- Rechenzentrum 11
- Sophie Rimheden 5
- Rhythm King And Her Friends 3
- Dean Roberts 1
- Sex in Dallas 6
- Johan Skugge 1
- Son of Clay 2
- Static 2
- Mikael Stavöstrand 5
- Stilluppsteypa 2
- Stol 2
- Surrogat 1
- Tarwater 5
- Tin Foil Star 1
- Trikot 4
- Uusitalo 2
- The Vulva String Quartet 2
- White Hole 3
- Achim Wollscheid 3
- Music: Publishers
- Visual Artists
- Sport
- Culture
- Serials
- Other
> Michael Walter - Music: Artists